Tuesday, March 4, 2008

time flies....

okay...so i cannot believe that we are now in march!  this is crazy planning time for us  ~ so we have lots of long hours in the office, and before you know it, the day is gone.  we are going to have so many fabulous events this year ~ and i cannot wait to share some pictures...
we also have expanded and moved locations in the past month - i will be sure to post some pictures as soon as all the furniture is in.  my husband took this picture tonight as we left lowes [for about the 113th time this past month in getting the new space ready].  the clouds were just amazing...we had tornado warnings all night here.  it was spooky yet beautiful!


Michael Juiliano said...

that photo reminds me of looking out the window of a plane. something i'm too familiar with these days.

i wonder where a tornado would come from in Asheville. I remember those warnings. They always confused me.

I look forward to seeing you two again soon. And the new place. I'm so happy for you.


regina holder said...

Can't wait to see your new space when it is finished! I will miss having you in the next building but know your business will thrive with the huge new place.